Preventive campaign “Safe Childhood”
May 21 this year puppet theater together with the Department of Emergency situations of the Kostanay region carried out a large-scale information and educational event “Safe Childhood”. Little spectators watched a fun interactive play “Fire Stories” Tushilych", where we studied the rules together with fairy-tale characters fire safety and learned how to properly handle fire, It is safe to use electrical appliances and what to do if fire. Emergency Department employees organized an exhibition in front of the theater special equipment, demonstrated emergency rescue equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, explained the basic safety rules and distributed leaflets on fire safety topics.Guys not only saw fire and rescue equipment and equipment, but also sat in rescue vehicle, looked at everything from the inside and even tried it on special clothes.In the future it is planned to continue this preventive action, since such events help in Teach children important rules in an accessible and fun way safety and learn useful information.