
"Zelenoe yabloko"

The first issue of the regional children's newspaper was published in 1999 on April 8.                                                                                                                  
And since then "Green Apple" is the only children's regional edition in Kazakhstan, which is popular among children and adults.During this period, the newspaper has become the winner of numerous International competitions.
 Alina Kozhakhmetova's article «Zveri protiv moshennikov»  about the opening of the 39th theatrical season and the premiere of the play   «Ryzhiy plut» (01.10.2024). Link:

The article “And the wind knows how to be friends” by Alina Kozhakhmetova, a junior columnist of the newspaper “Green Apple”, about the premiere of the play “My Friend is the Wind”.

    December 07, 2022 on the website and in № 43(993) of the newspaper "Green Apple" published an article by Elena Ilminskaya 
   "Ecopatrol will help you in this". Link

    On September 27, 2022, an article by Alisa Chumakova was published on the website of the newspaper "Green Apple" 
   "The theater has a "Proposal". Link 

  On December 14, 2021, the website of the newspaper "Green Apple" published an article by Kristina Golykh
  "Three, Seven, Ace!". Link       
    On April 27, 2021, in No. 15 of the newspaper "Green Apple" there was an article by Ivan
    Zagorenko "Dolls as alive!".  Link             


   On November 03, 2020 in № 44 of the newspaper "Green Apple" there was published an article by
   Karina Zhilkibayeva ""The Old Man and the Sea" in Kostanai". Link